August 6, 2013
Randall Arauz was awarded the Goldman Prize in 2010 for the role he played in drawing international attention to the inhumane and environmentally catastrophic shark finning industry in Costa Rica and around the world.
More recently, Arauz celebrated a victory when five shark species were added to Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) convention, including porbeagles, oceanic whitetips, great hammerheads, scalloped hammer heads and smooth hammerheads. Arauz, who attended CITES as the marine species advisor to the Costa Rican delegation, said, “This measure will finally control the irrational and unsustainable catch of hammerhead sharks to meet the demand of shark fins in international markets.”
Arauz also appears in a recent YouTube video, which follows celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay’s journey to expose the inhumane industry behind Shark Fin Soup, a popular delicacy food in China:
You can find out more about his marine conservation and research organization PRETOMA by clicking here.