September 25, 2012
International Rivers, a longtime nominating partner for the Goldman Prize, recently hosted Rendezvous for Rivers, an event ‘to celebrate the power of the people and International River’s work in Africa, Asia and Latin America.’
International Rivers most recently nominated the 2012 Goldman Prize winner from Kenya, Ikal Angelei, for her work to prevent the Gibe III dam and preserve the health of Lake Turkana.
International Rivers uses a unique multifaceted approach to protecting rivers around the world, which includes working with grassroots partners to engage local communities in marches and protests, using legal strategies to fight environmentally destructive development in court, and building awareness of critical issues with media and communications.
Goldman Prize staff members came away from the event feeling inspired by the remarks from International Rivers’ board chair Deborah Moore. Moore reflected that while it’s easy to think that International Rivers is always working against something, it’s important to acknowledge that by saying no to dams, environmentalists are saying yes to healthy rivers and a thriving environment.