February 7, 2013
2012 Goldman Prize recipient Ma Jun and the team at Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) are committed to keeping Apple and other IT companies accountable. A recently released report from IPE entitled Apple Opens Up, reviews Apple’s progress on cleaning up its supply chain in China.
The report also provides an updated assessment of 31 popular IT brands. Siemens, Panasonic and Microsoft received a positive ranking, while HTC, Canon and LG were called upon to improve their practices.
In its conclusion the report’s states, “Apple has increased their level of transparency and started green procurement to push a number of suppliers to substantially improve their environmental performance. The environmental NGOs hope that Apple can take this good practice and extend it to more suppliers. The NGOs also hope that more brands and suppliers will adopt these good practices and help to clean up the highly polluting IT materials production processes.”
A copy of the report can be found on IPE’s website, or by clicking here.
Ma Jun was awarded the Goldman Prize in 2012 for his efforts to expose over 90,000 air and water violations by local and multinational companies operating in China using online air and water pollution maps. Using public information to pressure companies to clean up their act, Ma Jun and IPE have taken on Apple and other industrial manufacturing giants across China.