January 8, 2013
Here at the Goldman Prize, we know that the actions of one individual can make a big difference. Our Prize winners have taught us that when it comes to protecting the environment, there is no goal too big or too small to take on.
Last week, we asked Goldman Prize Facebook followers to share their green New Year’s resolutions for 2013. From being more mindful of what we eat to influencing policy change, Goldman Prize followers are ringing in a healthy and sustainable start to the New Year.
Greener Living Soap Nuts said, “We are going to change our packaging so that our ziploc-style bags are 100% biodegradable.”
Mary Ann Nelson resolved to learn more about climate change in order to influence policy change and public opinion.
Siv Greena said, “We want to step into renewable sources of energy fully… let’s say bye to fossil fuels.”
Cool Foods Campaign reminded folks to eat with the climate in mind by making choices that support sustainable agriculture.
Raeden Brooke is switching to cloth napkins to cut down on her household waste.
Stay inspired to keep your resolutions (and make new ones!) all year long by staying updated on news from the Goldman Prize winners. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to our newsletter. Happy New Year!