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Author: elomonico

Lucie Pinson: “Nous pouvons gagner la guerre climatique”

Ce qui suit est une déclaration de Lucie Pinson, lauréate du prix Goldman pour l’environnement 2020. Lisez la traduction en anglais. Par Lucie Pinson Nous pouvons gagner la guerre climatique. Les événements climatiques extrêmes s’accélèrent et s’intensifient, paupérisant encore plus les moins responsables de la catastrophe écologique et attisant les tensions sociales sur fond de…

Lucie Pinson: Combating the source of climate change—finance

The following is a statement by 2020 Goldman Environmental Prize winner Lucie Pinson. Read the French translation. By Lucie Pinson We can win the climate war. Extreme weather events are accelerating and intensifying, further impoverishing those least responsible for global ecological disaster and fueling social tensions amid rising nationalism. The Arctic is melting, California and…

Support the Work of the 2020 Prize Winners

On November 30, we announced the six 2020 Goldman Environmental Prize winners in a first-of-its-kind virtual award ceremony (available to watch on YouTube). Whether engaging with their causes internationally or in your own hometown, learn how you can support the work and activism of the 2020 Prize winners. 1. Go green energy with Chibeze Ezekiel…

Chibeze Ezekiel: Building a youth movement in Ghana to stop climate change

The following is a statement by 2020 Goldman Environmental Prize winner Chibeze Ezekiel. By Chibeze Ezekiel I would like to thank the Goldman Environmental Foundation for selecting and honouring me with the Goldman Prize. In 2009, I had the rare opportunity to be selected, trained, and certified as a Youth Master Trainer on Climate Change.…

Introducing the 2020 Goldman Environmental Prize Winners

Each year, the Goldman Environmental Prize is honored to recognize six heroes of the environment. Join us tonight, November 30, 2020, at 4:00 pm PST (7:00 pm EST) on Facebook, YouTube, or Twitter to meet them and hear their stories firsthand. Hosted by award-winning actress Sigourney Weaver, this virtual award ceremony will feature Robert Redford,…