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Author: elomonico

Lynn Henning Makes the Case for Clean Water at Annual Conference

The 13th Annual Healthy Foods, Local Farms Conference took place on Saturday, October 13th in Louisville, Kentucky. Coming just days before World Food Day (October 16) and in observance of the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act, this year’s conference was focused on water and water quality issues. The event’s keynote speaker was 2010…

A Big Victory for Randall Arauz as Costa Rica Bans Shark Finning

Congratulations to 2010 Goldman Prize recipient Randall Arauz and his team at PRETOMA, who are celebrating Costa Rica’s recent ban on shark finning. In a ceremony last week, Costa Rica’s president Laura Chinchilla signed a decree banning the cruel and inhumane practice, outlining the country’s “zero tolerance” policy going forward. Arauz has been working for…

Von Hernandez Calls for Politicians to Curb Campaign Waste

As the election season in the United States enters its final weeks, 2003 Prize recipient Von Hernandez is asking politicians in his country to curb their campaign waste. Solid waste management is a significant issue in the Philippines, where Hernandez is working to reduce waste and ensure the continuation of a ban on waste incineration…

The New Environmentalists Heat Up the Mill Valley Film Festival

The New Environmentalists: From Kenya to the Arctic Circle, the latest installment of the Emmy-award winning series by Mill Valley Film Group, screened at the Mill Valley Film Festival in Northern California over the weekend. The film is narrated by Robert Redford and features the work of the 2012 Goldman Prize recipients. Another screening will…

Sofia Gatica Wraps Up European Speaking Tour

After Sofia Gatica’s infant daughter succumbed to pesticide poisoning, she formed the organization Mothers of Ituzaingo to raise awareness and expose the dangers of pesticide spraying. She was awarded the Goldman Prize in 2012 for her efforts, and now she is using her story to inspire policy change in Argentina and around the world. In fact, Gatica just wrapped…

Evegenia Chirikova Runs for Mayor of Khimki

On October 14, 2012 mayoral elections will be held in Khimki, Russia and Evegenia Chirikova’s name will be on the ballot for a second time. She ran for the same office in 2010, but failed to secure the vote. Her campaign has generated great attention for her efforts to save Khimki Forest from development, and…

After IUCN, Ignace Schops Gears Up for Europarc 2012

The IUCN World Conservation Congress took place earlier this month in Jeju, South Korea. Held every four years, the conference is the world’s largest conservation event and aims to “improve how we manage our natural environment for human, social and economic development.” Igance Schops, the 2008 Goldman Prize winner from Belgium, was in attendance at…

‘Rendezvous for Rivers’ Event Sends Positive Message

International Rivers, a longtime nominating partner for the Goldman Prize, recently hosted Rendezvous for Rivers, an event ‘to celebrate the power of the people and International River’s work in Africa, Asia and Latin America.’ International Rivers most recently nominated the 2012 Goldman Prize winner from Kenya, Ikal Angelei, for her work to prevent the Gibe…

Caroline Cannon Speaks Out As Ice Cover Reaches Record Low

Caroline Cannon, the 2012 Prize winner from Alaska, recently participated on a panel at Greenpeace’s Polar Emergency event in New York City. The event brought together scientists, journalists and environmental activists to discuss why the Arctic’s ice is melting so quickly and what should be done about it. For Cannon and others in the environmental…

Global Poaching Crisis Underscores Importance of Prize Winners’ Work

Over the past several weeks, The New York Times and National Geographic Magazine dedicated pages and pages of lengthy articles to the global poaching crisis. While those articles focus mostly on the African elephant and the ‘blood ivory’ trade, poaching of endangered species is on the rise worldwide. With poaching levels at their highest in decades,…