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Author: elomonico

The Goldman Prize Inspires Local Youth Award Ceremony

Prospect Sierra, an independent K-8 school in the Bay Area, recently hosted the 2013 Prospect Sierra Alumni Action Awards (PSAAA), an event inspired in part by the Goldman Prize. In 2008, Prospect Sierra won an award from West Contra County Integrated Waste Management for their efforts to green up their campuses. The students chose to…

EPA Chief Lisa Jackson Announces her Resignation

In light of the recent announcement that Lisa Jackson is stepping down as head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), we are taking a look back at the memorable meetings we’ve had with Jackson over her four year tenure. Jackson has been a longtime friend of the Prize, hosting meetings with the Prize winners and…

Green Resolutions for 2013

Here at the Goldman Prize, we know that the actions of one individual can make a big difference. Our Prize winners have taught us that when it comes to protecting the environment, there is no goal too big or too small to take on. Last week, we asked Goldman Prize Facebook followers to share their…

Latest Accident Raises New Concerns about Arctic Drilling

Shell’s Arctic drilling operations encountered yet another setback this week, when one of its two drilling rigs, the Kulluk, broke free from a tow ship during a winter storm and ran aground on Sitkalidak Island. The uninhabited island is located in the Strait of Sitkalidak, near Kodiak Island. The Kulluk has more than 150,000 gallons of…

New Venue for the DC Prize Ceremony

The Goldman Prize ceremony in Washington, DC is moving to a new venue this spring. In April 2013, the ceremony will take place at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. The Ronald Reagan Building is part of the Federal Triangle complex. It is the largest federal building in the nation, after the Pentagon.…

Apple Set to Bring Some Mac Production to the US

Last week, Apple CEO Tom Cook announced to Bloomberg Businessweek that Apple plans to bring some production of Mac computers to the United States from China. Cook did not give details about which line of Macs it will be or where the plant will be located. Nor did he say exactly what prompted the move,…

Hurricane Sandy’s Strength: Coincidence or Climate Change?

Did climate change cause Hurricane Sandy? Many in the scientific community agree that it played a significant role in the storm’s strength and destructiveness. “Hurricanes and tropical storms would occur with or without global warming. But many climate models suggest that such storms will become more intense as the planet warms,” Pennsylvania State University climatologist…

Lois Gibbs Leads National Anti-Fracking Campaign

Lois Gibbs won the Goldman Prize in 1990 for her work to expose and clean-up ‘the love canal,’ a 21,000-ton toxic waste site buried beneath her neighborhood in Niagara Falls, New York. The discovery came after Gibbs launched a personal investigation into the unexplained health problems of her children and neighbors. Gibbs fought for years…

Interview with Chavannes Jean Baptiste on Efforts to Rebuild Haiti

In the interview below, 2005 Goldman Prize recipient Chavannes Jean-Baptiste discusses the work that he and the team at the Peasant Movement of Papaye (MPP) have been doing since the 2010 earthquake that devastated much of Haiti’s infrastructure, leaving thousands homeless and hungry. MPP has teamed up with Why Hunger, a campaign that together with…

Exhibit Gives Voice to Water Conflict Victims

Pedro Arrojo was awarded the Goldman Prize in 2003 for his oppositions to Spain’s 1995 National Hydrological Plan (NHP), which called for 120 new dams that would have devastated countless natural areas and fishing communities along the Ebro River. Today, Arrojo is the director of Water, Rivers and People, a collaborative international exhibition that aims to…