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Author: elomonico

A Fierce Green Fire Coming to a Theater Near You

A Fierce Green Fire is a feature-length documentary film that explores the last 50 years of the environmental movement.  The title of the film was inspired by the book by the same name, written by Philip Shabecoff. Narrators of the film include long-time friend of the Prize, Robert Redford, as well as Ashley Judd, Meryl…

Goldman Prize Recipients to Participate in PIELC Conference

The theme of this year’s Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC) is ‘Earth: Too Big to Fail.’ The conference is set to take place February 28 – March 3, in Eugene Oregon. According the the PIECL website, “The Public Interest Environmental Law Conference is the premier annual gathering for environmentalists worldwide, and is distinguished as…

Show a Little Love for Wildlife

In honor of Valentine’s Day we are showcasing photos of Goldman Prize winners showing their love for the amazing wildlife they work hard to protect. 2010 Prize recipient Tuy Sereivathana, known as “Uncle Elephant,”  introduced innovative low-cost solutions to mitigate human-elephant conflict in Cambodia, empowering local communities to cooperatively participate in endangered Asian elephant conservation.…

World’s Third Largest Paper Company Commits to End Deforestation

A major victory for rainforest conservation came this month as the world’s third largest paper supply company announced it would end its involvement with rainforest deforestation in Indonesia. The Jakarta-based company, Asia Pulp and Paper (APP), has faced years of pressure from local and international NGOs, like Greenpeace, to reform its practices and stop rainforest…

New Report from IPE Reviews 31 IT Companies, Including Apple

2012 Goldman Prize recipient Ma Jun and the team at Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) are committed to keeping Apple and other IT companies accountable. A recently released report from IPE entitled Apple Opens Up, reviews Apple’s progress on cleaning up its supply chain in China. The report also provides an updated assessment…

International Treaty Seeks to Curb Global Mercury Emissions

Did you know that the term “mad as a hatter” refers to the mental illnesses suffered by 19th century milliners from their exposure to mercury, a highly toxic element that was used to shape felt hats? Mercury’s damaging effect on human and environmental health has been documented for years. The US and most European governments…

Jorge Varela Announces His Retirement

Jorge Varela was awarded the Goldman Prize in 1999 for his marine conservation work in Honduras, particularly his efforts to protect the ecological diversity of the Gulf of Fonseca from the unsustainable practices of industrial shrimp farming. Located on the Pacific coast, the Gulf of Fonseca is shared by Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua. In 1988,…

How Will President Obama’s Second Term Impact Climate Change?

Environmentalists are cautiously celebrating President Obama’s inauguration speech, in which he committed to addressing the threat of climate change. He has elevated the issue to a top tier priority for his second term- giving it as much weight as gun control and immigration reform. “We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the…

International Rivers Releases Report on the Potential Impact of the Gibe III Dam

Goldman Prize nominating partner, International Rivers, released a new report this month entitled, “The Downstream Impacts of Ethiopia’s Gibe III Dam.” The report details the damage the Gibe III project will do to the Lower Omo River Valley and Lake Turkana if construction is completed. The report confirms that Lake Turkana receives 90% of its…

Inspiration Abounds at the Wild and Scenic Film Festival

The 11th Annual Wild and Scenic Film Festival took place January 10-13 in Nevada City, California. The theme for this year’s festival was “A Climate for Change,” with a focus on working together to combat climate change and inspire hope for a better future. Goldman Prize Interim Executive Director Lorrae Rominger joined John Antonelli from…