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Author: elomonico

Academic Article Focuses on Goldman Prize Recipient Tactics

A recent article entitled “Strategies and Tactics for Managing Environmental Conflicts: Insights from Goldman Prize Recipients,” was recently published in the Journal of Natural Resource Policy Research. The article breaks down the work of the Goldman Prize recipients into six broad strategy categories: organizational creation and engagement; law and policy; education, training and awareness-building; changing…

Gwich’in Steering Committee Celebrates 25 Years of Arctic Protection

Congratulations to the Gwich’in Steering Committee and 2002 Goldman Prize winners Sarah James, Norma Kassi and the late Jonathon Solomon, who are celebrating 25 years of protecting the Arctic’s natural beauty and defending indigenous rights. The celebration, which took place on August 25, 2013 in Arctic Village, Alaska, was filled with native dancing, music, and…

Coming Soon to a Festival Near You

The summer blockbuster season may be coming to a close, but the autumn film festival season is just getting started. Get ready to be inspired and check out the documentary film The New Environmentalists – from Chicago to The Karoo, featuring the 2013 Goldman Prize recipients at a film fest near you. The New Environmentalists…

Shell Catches Heat for Controversial Tactics in Ireland

For nearly a decade Shell has been trying to build an oil pipeline through the heart of Rossport, Ireland, which would cut through private property, jeopardize the area’s delicate bog ecosystem and threaten both the safety of Rossport’s citizens and the local farmers’ way of life. However, thanks to a small group of local, committed…

Rosia Montana Once Again Threatened by Gold Mine

In 2005, Stephanie Roth was awarded the Goldman Prize for leading an international campaign to stop construction of Europe’s largest open cast gold mine near the historic Romanian town of Rosia Montana. Thanks to her efforts, the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation (IFC) withdrew support and the European Union expressed concern over the mining project.…

Doug Goldman Asks Korean President to Pardon Choi Yul

Continuing efforts to support past Goldman Prize winners under duress, Douglas E. Goldman, President of the Goldman Environmental Foundation, recently sent a letter to the President of South Korea asking her to release 1995 Goldman Prize recipient Choi Yul from prison. Choi was sentenced to one year in prison in March 2013 and has already…

Jorge Varela Comes Out of Retirement

1999 Goldman Prize recipient Jorge Varela recently announced that he is coming out of retirement to head up Honduras’ Association of Fisherfolk of the Gulf of Fonseca (APAGOLF) as executive director. Jorge Varela was awarded the Goldman Prize in 1999 for his marine conservation work in Honduras, particularly his efforts to protect the ecological diversity…

Shark Week Spotlight on Randall Arauz

Randall Arauz was awarded the Goldman Prize in 2010 for the role he played in drawing international attention to the inhumane and environmentally catastrophic shark finning industry in Costa Rica and around the world. More recently, Arauz celebrated a victory when five shark species were added to Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade…

Cross-Border Water Conflicts on the Rise

2012 Goldman Prize recipient Ikal Angelei recently shared a link to a stirring video posted on the Yale e360 blog about the struggle between nomadic herdsman in southern Ethiopia and northern Kenya- whose survival depends on access to the Omo River and Lake Turkana. The two bodies of water are currently being threatened by drought,…

Mesopotamian Marshlands Officially Recognized as Iraq’s First National Park

Congratulations to 2013 Goldman Environmental Prize recipient Azzam Alwash and his team at Nature Iraq, who are celebrating a huge victory this week, following the announcement that the Mesopotamian Marshlands have been officially recognized as Iraq’s first National Park! Alwash was awarded the Goldman Prize in 2013 for his unwavering dedication to restoring and preserving…