January 4, 2017
The Goldman Environmental Prize is pleased to announce the latest round of grants to provide continued support for Goldman Prize winners and their ongoing work to bring grassroots environmental change. The 11 grants will be awarded to organizations led by Prize winners for organizational capacity building programs or grassroots environmental campaigns. In partnership with the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund (the Federation), we are supporting the following projects:
Association Toxicologie-Chimie Paris: Known as the ‘Ouroboros Project’, this program will provide expert assistance to improve the well-being of the impacted communities involved in the Kodaikanal Chemical Plant disaster and increase the capacity of residents to fight future incidences of industrial pollution. This project is led by a collaboration of Prize winners; Bruno Van Peteghem (2001, New Caledonia), Yuyun Ismawati (2009, Indonesia), and Olga Speranskaya (2009, Russia).
Pokja OAT (Indigenous Association): To protect the remaining marble mountains, sacred to the indigenous Mollo people, and other natural resources from mining in the Timor Tengah Selatan district by promoting sustainable, alternative economic activities. These include ecotourism, seaweed cultivation and weaving. Led by Aleta Baun (2013, Indonesia).
ESTAMOS: To reduce the common and detrimental practice of uncontrolled fires used to clear forests for agriculture. The grant will help train farmers in alternative techniques to manage their land to help preserve the biodiversity of Mozambique’s Niassa Province, as well as educating communities on the effects of uncontrolled fires through radio campaigns. Led by Feliciano dos Santos (2008, Mozambique).
Alliance Against Mining: To strengthen grassroots advocacy to stop the Mindoro Nickel Project which threatens the region’s biodiversity and the livelihoods of the indigenous Mangyan people. The program will include mobilizing communities directly affected by mining to challenge the national government on applications to mine on their land. Led by Fr. Edwin Gariguez (2012, Philippines).
Socially Responsible Agricultural Project (SRAP): To expand the Water Rangers Project which will recruit and train residents living downstream from factory farms, equipping them with the tools and expertise required to hold polluting operations accountable to state and federal environmental laws. Led by Lynn Henning (2010, USA).
Green Alternative: To build the capacity of communities in Georgia so that they can advocate for clean energy and encourage public participation in the country’s proposed energy development plan. The grant will also fund the development of a non-partisan analysis of energy issues in the country. Led by Manana Kochladze (2004, Georgia).
CEDICAM: To conduct a campaign that raises awareness around the importance of the native, ancient cajete corn’s recovery and conservation. The project will build the resilience of 10 farming communities in the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. Led by Jesús León Santos (2008, Mexico).
NGO Coalition for the Environment (NGOCE): To promote alternative livelihoods among young people to reduce deforestation in the Cross River State of Nigeria, considered to be one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots. The program will involve training young people in the State — often recruited by illegal loggers and poachers — in sustainable economic activities such as bee keeping and mushroom farming. Led by Odigha Odigha (2003, Nigeria).
Foundation for Environment and Agriculture (FEA): To campaign for a ban on neonicotinoid pesticides in the EU, widely considered to be a factor in the decline of honey bee populations. Led by Albena Simeonova (1996, Bulgaria).
Foundation for Wildlife & Habitat Conservation (FWHC): To organize a conference where activists and community leaders will receive training on habitat conservation. Participants will collaborate on a road map to establish and implement the Mukungule Nature Conservancy in Zambia. Led by Hammerskjoeld Simwinga (2007, Zambia).
Kentucky Environmental Foundation: To campaign against the expansion of fracking in 18 Kentucky communities including the Tennessee Gas Pipeline — proposed by a company with a history of pipeline accidents — into sensitive ecosystems. Led by Craig Williams (2006, USA).